Friday, September 16, 2005

the wisdom of Ween

I talk about several topics frequently, including Scrabble and Ween, my favorite band. I do this because they are awesome.

I just wanted to post a few quotes from a couple interviews I read recently. It’s further proof why I think they’re badasses, musically and socially.

“You really have to search, if you're a teenager, for real music, 'cause you're not gonna get it on the radio. . . It's shit. A lot of these rock acts are made over to be aggressive-looking, like Limp Bizkit with their tattoos, but it's no different from Christina Aguilera. Johnny Rotten wouldn't piss on these guys if they were on fire." – Dean Ween

“When we write music now, it's not like we have to be doing drugs or anything. Now, we do more insidious drugs. It's just like pills and booze.” – Gene Ween

“I mean, our music generally appeals to children and retarded people, and I'm into that. In a way, we've been making children's records for years.” – Gene Ween

Everyone have a nice weekend. I’m heading to K-State to meet some friends for the weekend. And have a brew or two. Maybe play some badminton.

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