A quick spurt of blog before I charge into the workday.
I’m currently reading a biography about Jimi Hendrix, the famous musician and badass. It’s a slightly depressing story, at least at this point, where his success and happiness has been replaced by hangers-on taking his money and legal battles involving his manager and even a court case involved drugs that were found in his luggage at an airport (twice, both supposedly planted by random “fans”). It is interesting to find out sides of a story that you haven’t heard before though.
Something I read last night, though, piqued my interest thoroughly. The line in the book said “his myriad interests included science fiction, art, history, politics, football, chess, and any board game that called for quick thinking. A lot went on in his head.”
I immediately got excited after reading this. “Any board game that called for quick thinking” definitely could refer to my favorite board game, Scrabble! So, basically, we could assume Jimi Hendrix enjoyed and played Scrabble. Just like me.
Also, I found out my younger brother has the same birthday as Hendrix did. Small world.
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