Friday, April 21, 2006


I consider myself conservative in general. There a few issues where I lean to the left.

One of those issues is illegal drugs. I'm not a druggie by any means. Who's to say if I've ever even tried any drugs? (It shan't be dissimenated in as public a forum as this.) While I can understand why drugs are outlawed, the simple fact is this because they are outlawed, it is created a black market worth billions and billions of dollars.

The past few weeks, a group has been appearing in the news, making public speaking appearances, and so on. Their name is LEAP, or Law Enforcement Against Prohibition. Their site does a good job of explaining what they're about.

Their viewpoint and ideas are absolutely mind-blowing and seemingly ridiculous. Basically, they feel because prohibition of illegal drugs has failed so horribly (and it seems it has, at least from what I've read or observed), a drastic change should occur. ALL illegal drugs should be legalized. Then, they should be regulated and treatment instead of incarceration is what money would be spent on. At least, I think that's the gist of it.

I know one thing would happen. Legalization would destroy the black market; prices would plummet. The entire drug distribution chain would be drastically affected. That, in and of itself, seems like a positive outcome. Cheap drugs for all, though, especially the deranged and addicted, poses a whole different set of issues.

I don't see this group ever getting very far, but perhaps people said the same thing about alcohol when it was prohibited for a time. In the end, perhaps it's just an interesting read. But, it sort of makes you think, "Hmm, what if?"

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