Friday, September 08, 2006

The Old Simpsons, vivariums, Elliott Smith, and Jerry Stiller

(Note: I've recently posted several new blog entries consecutively, so
be sure to catch all of them, because there are a few others below
this new one.)

After watching the past few weeks at 6:30, I realize nothing beats The
Simpsons. The newer episodes of the past few seasons don't stack up to
the episodes from back in the mid-90's. I swear; it's just good
comedy. It kicks the crap out of Family Guy, which has turned into
crap. All they do is try to be off-the-wall and offensive. And it
grows tiring. Family Guy had good stuff the first season or two. But
since then, it's stupid. Simpsons > Family Guy, is the simple equation
to remember. Futurama, by the Simpsons creator, is also really good.
Just my two cents on the matter.

A little definition for you to impress people with (good luck making
it contextual within the conversations you're engaging in, but that's
your problem): VIVARIUM: noun, a terrarium used for especially small
animals. Stick that in your pipe and smoke it.

My music recommendation of the moment is Elliott Smith. I squirm at
the fact that it took me so long to discover this guy. (Also, I'm
really good at discovering musicians after they've died in one way or
another, so I'll never be able to see them play live. See: Blind
Melon). It takes a few listens through each of his CDs, but damn, the
guy just writes a catchy song. And almost all of them just grow on you
and you love them more each time. I won't drill it into your brains,
but if you like solid pop songwriting (I guess that's the best way to
describe his music), check him out. Some consider it dark music, and
the lyrics are rather dark and depressing, but you don't always pick
up on it because the melodies are so well-written. He stabbed himself
in 2003, so perhaps that's a subtle indicator of his lyrical style.
(As a slight aside, his voice takes a little getting used to. As
Gretchen described it once, it can be whiny at points. But I told her
to give him another shot, after her initial disdain for the music. She
hasn't gotten back to me yet.)

My last point of the day and it's bold. I'd take Seinfeld over King of
Queens any day of the week, but in my opinion, Jerry Stiller's
character on King of Queens is much more amusing than his Seinfeld
character. In Seinfeld, he's pure rage (and that's funny for sure),
but the writing for his character in King of Queens is more than that.
Hard to describe, but if you watched a few, you'd know what I mean.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i am also loving elliot smith....and hating the family guy, but that's no new far as i'm concerned, it's never come close to competing with the simpsons!