Wednesday, October 19, 2005

working man

I've been putting in 9 hour days this week (7 to 5), so I can take a half-day Friday and head back to STL to see my younger brother play football, among other things. It should be a pleasant weekend, getting back to see some friends and family. Waking up hasn't been too hard, but I'm not really an early bird, so it's not my favorite thing to do either.

The Cardinals game Monday night was awesome. I didn't expect that we had a chance, but Albert Pujols saved the day. That was a moment to remember. Still, the Cardinals have to win tonight and tomorrow night to head to the World Series, and that will be no small task.

Other than that, nothing too exciting to report. I bought Dirty Work on DVD. Great movie, if you like stupid, vulgar comedy. Which I do enjoy on occasion. Don't we all? Well, probably not, but still, I recommend this movie.

Have a good hump day.

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