All alliterations aside, I hadn’t written in a while. It’s probably not right that I’m writing an entry more because I feel an obligation than because I enjoy writing them, but here I am. I do enjoy writing them honestly; it’s either that I’m too busy or a bit too lazy. My goal is one entry a week, and I’ve done a moderately good job of that. It’s the damn Christmas shopping and preparation that takes up all my time,
I found out there’s a new horror film coming out soon called Hostel. If you’re into that sort of thing (I’m not), it looks good. Quentin Tarantino “presents” it, meaning he must have checked it out and giving it his seal of approval (meaning they’re allowed to use his name to attract major attention). Just from screen shots and movie posters, it looks extremely violent. It also has an intriguing plotline. We European travelers might enjoy the story. Roughly, it’s about three students backpacking through Europe and they come across this one guy in Slovakia who tells them all about this great hostel where all these hot chicks there are desperate to have sex with you. Think with your head, not with your dong—that’s what I always say. They don’t take my advice. Of course, it’s this horrible torture chamber of a hostel, and so on. Again, I won’t see it, but it looks like it could be a good horror movie for fans of the genre. and are a couple of sites with some info on the movie.
One of the most hateful religious groups in the world, I’m safely assuming, is the Westboro Baptist Church in Topeka, Kansas. The leader is Fred Phelps, one of the craziest old men ever to inhabit the earth. Its total membership is about 100 people and 90% of them are related to Phelps, if that tells you anything. Nonetheless, it’s an extreme Christian sect; I personally wouldn’t consider them Christian, though I guess technically they are. To be blunt, they’re a religion based on horrible racism and homophobia and hate for basically everyone but themselves. They have done so many awful things over the years, and I only write about them today because they are planning on picketing this Friday in St. Louis. They plan on protesting at a funeral for a soldier who died in Iraq. They justify this because they blame the military for not keeping our country and the world free of gays and lesbians (to use more proper terms than they do). It’s unreal how they think.
Other tactics include having their children as young as toddlers protest, while wearing t-shirts that say “God Hates Fags” and “Thank God for the Tsunami.” (They say thank God for every disaster and attack that has occurred, because they say it is God sending a message that the world is being destroyed and needs to change its ways. As of now, they believe only members of their Church will be accepted in to Heaven.) They also hate Swedes; I forgot why. It is the most unbelievable ideology I’ve ever seen. And it’s despicable. The last thing I should do is tell all ten people a day that visit my site about this horrible church and its backwards views, but it’s a sight (and site) to be seen. It’s a sight that’s a sober reminder of how much hate exists in the world, and that we probably don’t know the half of it. The amazing part is that they believe they are absolutely justified and correct.
On a lighter note, I hope everyone has a Merry Christmas, or whatever holiday they celebrate. It should be a good time. Gretchen and I are heading to Wichita for X-mas weekend, and then to St. Louis for New Year's weekend (for an "X-mas" celebration there). A lot of travel, but a lot of fun still. Hope everyone travels safely and eats a lot of food.
(Sorry, my "link-making" tool in Blogger still isn't working, or I'm doing it wrong, so the links aren't clickable. I'll figure it out soon enough.)
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