On Friday evening, Environmental Mechanical had their annual holiday party (I prefer Christmas party, but let us all be PC, just to be safe, right?). It took place at the Culinary Center of Kansas City. They do cooking classes and team building activities there, but they also host parties.
My attractive date and I both enjoyed the gathering. The food was delicious, with the menu consisting of butternut squash bisque, three flavors of risotto, some sort of Italian pasta and vegetable casserole (but it had a classier name than “casserole”), red snapper, and tiramisu for dessert. There were also three types of wine served with the meal. It was one of the fancier meals I’ve ever had. I’m not the best in classy social situations, but it wasn’t too bad. There was pleasant conversation had by all. The open bar was also tasty.
After the party, Gretchen and I went with Tim and his wife (Tim’s probably the next youngest guy in the office next to me; if I had to guess, he’s 26 or 27). We went to the Other Place (no, really, that’s the name of the bar. Get it? People can be so clever sometimes.) We had a few drinks and I OWNED Tim in trivia, even after all his trash talking. His hubris was his downfall.
Other than that, my time has been consumed with buying presents (X-mas, of course, but also Gretchen’s b-day, sister-in-law’s b-day, etc.). I can’t stand shopping either. I enjoy giving gifts, but the task of going to stores and buying all these things is absolutely horrendous. It’s a huge relief after all the shopping is done. (And, fortunately, Gretchen said she would do all the wrapping, since she doesn’t trust my shoddy, imprecise wrapping style. Works for me.)
Also, I made some exciting video rentals this weekend. I viewed Batman Begins on Saturday evening. I’m not usually a huge fan of these blockbuster movies (Batman, Spiderman, Lord of the Rings, etc.); you know, I’m not going out and seeing them in the theaters. Maybe they’re worth a rental. Maybe. But, I truly enjoyed Batman Begins. The two hour, twenty minute length made me weary when I first read it on the box, but it really flew by. That’s when movies can go bad, when they drag on and on. The action and storyline was good, Katie Holmes was good, and the movie was mostly believable in regards to the action scenes (the Batmobile jumping from rooftop to rooftop was a stretch, but they even made his ability to “fly” explainable. True, it was through the use of top-secret, ultra-expensive, never-used government equipment, but still, the effort was there).
And, on tap after watching some Arrested Development on FOX (good television show, check it out tonight at 7 PM central) is Deuce Bigalow: European Gigolo! The much-anticipated (by me, at least) follow-up to Deuce Bigalow: Male Gigolo, I can't wait to dig into this epic. I love movies like this. Call it the ridiculous and inappropriate SNL-alum comedies. Refer to Dirty Work, Billy Madison, and Black Sheep for a few examples. European Gigolo got AWFUL reviews, but so did the original, so screw 'em. That doesn't mean anything. These uppity movie reviewers are just trying to polish their reputation. It's pandering and it's bullshit. I'll be sure to let you know how the film turns out.
[Edit, for movie review: Goodness gracious, I couldn't get through it. I had been looking forward to Deuce Bigalow: European Gigolo. It was horrendous. It was exponentially stupider than the average "stupid" comedy. It was disgusting. The physical deformity jokes were unnecessary (and plentiful). The two plusses were that the movie took place in Amsterdam (a place I've been to and one of my favorite European cities) and Deuce's "love interest" (I assume they get together, but again, I didn't make it through the movie), played by a little-known Belgian model/actress, Hanna Verboom. Quite attractive. But for the love of God, that was one of the worst movies I've ever seen. I was embarrassed to watch it in front of people I am quite comfortable with. That's the real test. If it's so bad, it makes me uncomfortable to watch it with anyone else, it's BAD. And it was especially disappointing because the first Deuce Bigalow was quite enjoyable. Oh well, live and learn.]
To conclude, I offer you some palindromes to brighten your day.
Campus motto: bottoms up, Mac!
I saw desserts; I’d no lemons, alas no melon. Distressed was I.
Kay, a red nude, peeped under a yak.
Lew, Otto has a hot towel!
Was it Eliot’s toilet I saw?