Thursday, May 25, 2006

phone scam?

Recently, I've been getting calls from a number that shows up as 604-550-7000.

I didn't recognize it, and when I did pick it up once or twice, there was no one there. They finally left a message. It was some lady with an accent who left an 800 number to call.

I went to trust Google and "googled" the phone number. Several things showed up about some sort of phone scam. Other links showed up about how it's just a general number that shows up when someone is using a calling card or something like that.

Anyway, I didn't know if anyone had had similar experiences. It's a nuisance more than anything, though I haven't heard from the number in a day or two.

Also, the other day I got a speeding ticket and it was bullshit of course. I'm honestly thinking about going to court though. He documented that my "state license plate" was "KS," when I actually have "MO" plates. If I recall, someone told me that that is grounds for dismissal of the charges. But, we'll see. Anyway, there's no way that the road I was on should have been 30 MPH. I was going 43 MPH. And he was sitting there yanking it, just waiting to bust some innocent civilian. It sucks for cops, because they really are there for so many good reasons, but they get such a bad name for what they spend most of their shifts doing: busting people for nothing serious, while the money just fills the government's coffers. (That's right; I said coffers.) And half the people in prison in the US are in there for drug offenses, so that's money being crapped away. But, that's a tirade for a different day.

Hmm, that was a tangent, wasn't it?


Anonymous said...

nice use of vocabulary, i feel like i am learning so much just be reading this!

Mindy Viamontes said...

HA. that's what you get for DRIVING in the first place...

PostScorch! said...

Ah, but don't cyclists also have to obey the rules of the road?

Couldn't you have gotten the same ticket as me (to be more feasible, let's say you could have been going 23 in a 10)?

Mindy Viamontes said...

If you ever see comments about drivng by MV[squared] it's MIKE not me. Just needed to clear my name for the record.

Mindy Viamontes said...

it's widely accepted (around here) that bicyclists do NOT have to obey the rules of the road because we are not attempting to maneuver a lethal 2000 pound weapon thrusting forward at deadly speeds.

-Mike (not Mindy)

PostScorch! said...

You used the word "thrusting" to prove your point. I can't argue with that.