Sunday, April 24, 2005

Dean Ween and his Olive Garden critique

I bow to Dean Ween today, and his tirade against Olive Garden.

"As an Italian-American nothing offends me more than the commercials on tv for the Olive Garden. You ever eat there? What a bunch of dogshit. The food sucks and a real Italian wouldn't be caught dead ordering "the never ending spaghetti bowl" even if it were free. The food is devoid of any real flavor whatsoever and only the whitest motherfucker could possibly be tricked into believing that they're experiencing anything "authentic". The commercials usually show you some typical looking Italian family with Brooklyn accents bonding over the free breadsticks at the Olive Garden but that's just not where it's at. The Olive Garden can suck my New Jersey dick."

Well-spoken, Dean. Well-spoken.

- excerpted from, the Waste section

1 comment:

Unknown said...

nice of you to blog.